Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)
To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website
Subject: Product News/Updates, October 2015
visit our facebook page and "like" us.
1) New Valve Spring Tester v1.1 B Released We've been working on new features for the Valve Spring Tester software, and have just released v1.1B. It's new features include:
Page from v1.1B User's Manual Describing Shim Report
click image to enlarge
to see all the new features in v1.1B.
If you already own the Plus version of Valve Spring Tester, this is a $100 upgrade, a $60 upgrade if you own just the Basic version.
2) DataMite 4 Now Measures Spark Advance Our popular Dyno DataMite data loggers have converted over 1000 dynos to modern electronics and software. Now we've added a new feature rarely found in dyno electronics, the ability to measure spark advance during a dyno run. This new feature is only available on the DataMite 4 using the Enterprise Edition of the dyno software.
Spark Timing is one of the most critical settings to obtain maximum engine performance; too little and you loose power, too much and you loose power and risk detonation, preignition, and engine damage. You may think you can check the timing at, say, 3000 RPM before your dyno test with a timing light and then assume it is staying constant, or advancing like it should. But when you can actually measure it, now you can be sure. Perhaps it looks good at 3000 RPM with your timing light, but you get to 5000 RPM and it is jumping (called spark scatter) +/- 4 degrees (an 8 degree spread). That is certainly useful information, especially if you are running into detonation and/or preignition problems.
The graph below shows OBD2 Spark Advance and Measured Spark Advance. You will also notice that the Measured Spark Advance matches the OBD2 spark advance very closely with these exceptions:
for more details on Measuring Spark Advance.
to contact us for updating your dyno system to add this feature. Be sure to include
your full name and billing address in this email so we can find you in our
3) Flow Bench Automatic Valve Opener Movie We've added some new movies of our Automatic Valve Opener working with our Port Flow Analyzer software to completely automate flow bench testing.
for more info on our Valve Opener.
for more info on our Port Flow Analyzer software.
4) New Dyno Controller Option for SuperFlow tm We're continuing to improve our Dyno Controllers. We've now add an option to add our control and actuator to SuperFlow tm dyno water valves. This lets you add our control and data logger to your SuperFlow tm dyno, and not change any of your water plumbing.
Optional SuperFlow tm Actuator part# DT4-WBCSF
click image to enlarge
If you need dyno control for your eddy current, water brake or hydraulic pump, engine only or chassis (rolling road) dyno, check out our line of affordable controllers.
for more info on our Dyno Controllers.
for more info on our Dyno DataMite data acquisition software and hardware.
5) PRI Trade Show, Indianapolis, Coming in December We're exhibiting at the Best and Biggest racing products trade show in the world, the Performance Racing Industry trade show in Indianapolis, Dec 10-12. We're in nearly the same location as last year, but in a double booth # 134, so check their website floor plan, and be sure to register to attend ahead of time.
to find us on the PRI Trade Show floor.
to visit the PRI Trade Show home page for more info and to arrange to attend the
6) Media Coverage: Circle Track Log Book We announced some new Plus features in our Circle Track Log Book program in the June newsletter, which got picked up by the November issue of Speedway Illustrated, page 66. Some of the Plus Version's added features include:
1) Keeping detailed records
and history of particular components, like tires, shocks, engine, etc.
These records can include part number, source, flags for maintenance, when
expected back from maintenance, and more.
for PDF on Component Details Features.
2) Letting you record picture files for you records to keep track of modifications, "winners circle" pics, etc.
click image to enlarge it to see picture file features
3) Letting you make reports of up to 8 particular records for a certain range of records, or all records. In addition, you can specify up to "user defined" fields as a Cost or Expense field. When you make reports of these fields, the columns are totaled up, so you can create expense reports over a certain period of time.
click image to enlarge it to see screen to create custom reports
click image to enlarge it to see example of an Expense Report
The standard Circle Track Log Book is $149.95, but it does not include any of these features. The Circle Track Log Book Plus is $249.95.
If you already own the standard Circle Track Log Book and want to add the 5 Plus version features, the cost is $125. Because this is an "upgrade", you will have to call in your order so we can verify you own the standard version, to 248-473-9230.
If you already own the Circle Track Log Book Plus, this is a free update. Just install the demo version directly over the top of your existing version. When asked, select to do a Refresh installation instead of a Complete (typical) installation.
for the full details of the Circle Track Log Book, standard and Plus
7) Last September's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter. If you would like another copy of September 2015's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters