Same screen as above, but with the clamping "Force" data being presented. See blue arrow in lower right.
Notepad reports for either torque or force
The Race Clutch Analyzer lets you compare clutch force and torque capabilities by changing static and dynamic characteristics. Its features include
Input a full dyno power curve for the engine, or enter one from our Engine Analyzer simulation programs.
Program will predict "lock up" RPM, or the RPM at which the clutch's holding torque is the same as the engine's output torque.
Program lets you modify the engine power curve for different weather conditions.
Program has several input screens to help you data base various conditions.
Static Force "Wizard" lets you determine static force from spring specs.
Program has detailed analysis graph with zoom, print options, color options, cursor, etc to pinpoint your data changes.
Program has automatic "Match" feature so that you can get 2 completely different clutches to have the same lockup RPM.
Allows for analyzing total clutch clamping force, or torque and lockup RPM
Analysis Graph
Static Force Wizard
RPM Matching Options
Clutches provided with Program:
Ray Franks 8'' w 'over hat arm'
L&T 8"' w 'under the hat' arm
L&T 8"' w 'under the hat' arm
L&T 8"' w 'shaved over hat' arm
L&T 8"' w .132'' 'over hat' arm
Crower 10'' w 59 gm arm
Crower 10'' w 53 gm arm
Crower 10'' w 76 gm arm
Crower 9'' with 46 gm arm
Crower 9'' w 42 gm arm
East&West 7" Tit. 30 gm arms
East&West 7" Alum 30 gm arms
Ram 7" 38 gm Arms
Hayes 8" w 'over hat arm'
ACE 7" 36 gm Arms
AFT 9" 70 gm Arms
Titan 10" 92 gm Arms
ACE 7" 38 gm Arms
Ray Franks 7.5" 28 gm Arms
Hawaya 6" w1.55 PriRatio
McLeod with 'Long Arms'
McLeod w 'Borg & Beck' 3 Rollers
McLeod w 'Borg & Beck' 6 Rollers
Hays 'Long Style' Slider 83gm
What You Need:
Computer with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11.
What You Get:
Program CD and You get 2 license keys (code numbers) to have the program on 2 computers at the same time. Additional sites can be added at a nominal charge.
More Information, Download Demo:
go to our Demo Downloading page to download a FREE Drag Race Clutch Analyzer Demo.
Call 248-473-9230. Visa or Mastercard accepted.
for more price and ordering info.